
Showing posts from 2022

Grand Opening

The Return of Winkie

The Less I Do, The Better I Get



Backstage Models

Secondary Illustration for A.S. Hamrah's piece "The World Was Just an Address" on this year's Oscar Movies for The Baffler website.

Primary Illustration for A.S. Hamrah's new piece "The World Was Just an Address" on this year's Oscar Movies for The Baffler website.

Mark Lanegan 1964 - 2022 R.I.P.

Secondary Illustration for A.S. Hamrah's column "Time Is a Rabid Dog - Pandemic Cinema at the end of year two." This illustration was killed and did not run.

Primary Illustration for A.S. Hamrah's column "Time Is a Rabid Dog - Pandemic Cinema at the end of year two." Appears on The Baffler Website.